Stargate Kennels Chocolate Lab Puppies

Puppy Reservation, Selection,
Pricing and Puppy Delivery Information

To Reserve a Puppy . . . .
Please read this entire page FIRST!

Quick info:

Males or females with papers $950

Males or females no papers $850

Deposit is $200

Delivery fees from $150-$450 in 48 States.

Balance of price and delivery fee is due at delivery.

PLEASE Don't send money until you read
all of this page CAREFULLY!

To reserve a puppy

The majority of our puppy placements are arranged in advance. Indeed, most litters now are sold out long before they are ready for delivery.  If you like what you have seen on our website and would like one of our puppies for your family, we strongly encourage you to put an immediate deposit on the litter of your choice.  The PayPal system is recommended to avoid the possible disappointment of your deposit arriving too late. (Details below)

Personal Delivery

While I do offer shipping, I try to avoid it whenever possible. I have never had a problem, the few times I have used the airlines, but I just don't think that taking a puppy away from his littermates, putting him in a crate, then on a freight dock, on the flightline, then in the belly of an airplane, then on the flightline, and freight dock can be good for a baby, with the noise, confusion, strange surroundings and no one to comfort him. I have stood in line at the freight counters and listened to the puppies crying on the dock. I much prefer delivering my puppies in person. They stay with littermates and drive with me. They are in comfortable familiar surroundings until I ring your doorbell and present you with your new puppy. You get to meet me, ask questions, get suggestions, and I get to meet you and see where and with whom my puppy will be living. A win-win situation, I think. Costs run from $50-$450 depending on your location.

Pick up your puppy in person

In the past we have welcomed everyone to our kennel. Unfortunately we have recently had to deal with our second outbreak of the parvo virus. This virus is devastating to a litter of puppies. Roughly half of infected puppies die. The virus is spread through the feces of an infected dog. Someone steps in it, or walks on a spot where where it was picked up earlier, and inadvertently tracks it into our kennel. And puppies die. The puppies who survive have suffered enormously. When they return from the vet most have lost nearly half of their body mass and have been through excruciating pain. So we are no longer allowing visits to the kennel. All puppies will be delivered to your home. We truly regret having to turn visitors away, it's been very enjoyable entertaining visitors in the past, but at this point we feel that is the only way to prevent another outbreak of this terrible disease.

Shipping Options

I have been a certified shipper for several years. I handle all domestic shipping in person. Overseas shipping is done for me by Jim O'Brien at Obriens Animal Transportation, who has safely and carefully delivered puppies for me as far away as Saudi Arabia and Taiwan. Shipping via Delta Airlines using the Delta Dash program is available to most major cities in the US.  Contact me to work out the details.  Shipping dates can be affected by the weather, too hot or too cold and we will not ship. If timing is critical and the weather is not cooperating, Continental Airlines offers climate controlled ground services so we can ship anytime, but the rates are somewhat higher. Total costs for air shipping run $300 to $400 much the same as personal delivery.

Selection Process

Because so many of my clients live too far away to visit the kennel and make a selection, I have developed a selection process for all puppies. When you make your deposit you will tell me what you're looking for in a puppy, i.e. gender, size, color (lighter or darker) personality and any other preferences you may have. (Send your preferences via email just after you do the PayPal deposit) When delivery date nears, I will photograph individual puppies and put them up on the site with short personality comments. You will be asked to choose 3 puppies from your selected gender in order of preference. When I have all this information collected I will match up my puppies with your preferences and do my best to make everyone happy.


Our puppies are priced at $950 eligible for AKC registry (This means you may breed your puppy if you wish.), or $850 without the AKC eligibility, if you just want a wonderful purebred puppy for a friend and companion. The huge majority of our owners do not register, it's pretty much a waste of money for them. So if you are not showing or breeding I do not recommend registering.

Is my deposit refundable?

If we are not able to provide a healthy puppy from your chosen litter, your deposit will be applied to the next litter of your choice. We currently have about 6-10 litters a year. If you simply change your mind and don't want a puppy, your deposit is forfeited. We will occasionally allow a deposit to be held over to the next litter in the event of a valid family emergency. To place a deposit, first email or call (530)321-2199 to see if puppies from a particular litter are still available, and then send a check or a credit card payment (via PayPal) for $200.  WE NO LONGER ACCEPT PAYMENTS VIA SNAIL MAIL! The PayPal system time stamps all of our deposits so in the case of not enough puppies in any given litter or multiple deposits received for a specific puppy, I know who deposited first. I also use it for all my litter recordkeeping. The PayPal page is for Equiview Marketing (my day job) so don't be confused, your deposit will arrive safely.

The email address is:

If you have difficulties or questions, please do not hesitate to call.
657-201-2199 Home 949-485-9361 Cell

To deposit, fill out the information here and click the deposit button!
I REALLY need your phone number!!
Please incude it below! And your puppy gender too!

Puppy Gender
Phone number (required)
Put your email address HERE
so you'll know when breeding happens, puppies
are born and pictures are ready for viewing.
Stargate Kennels
657-201-2199 Home
298-723-3745 Fax

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